Did Rob Koster Disclose the Hugo Sluimer Allegations to Covast Development CEO Jerry Saffrie? Questions Arise Over Controversial Investment

In the Interest of the Public

Amid swirling financial controversy, the CEO of Covast Development, Jerry Saffrie, finds himself under increased scrutiny. While Rob Koster, a public figure in the Netherlands, founder of several successful ventures including Covast Vast Goed, Lexa.nl,  Covino, Sorrento BV and Hello City is at the heart of the matter, questions arise about Saffrie's knowledge and involvement concerning funds allegedly accepted from Hugo Sluimer (Public figure in the Domincan Republic), a figure accused of money laundering and tax evasion in the United States.

At the core of the unfolding drama is whether Koster had informed Saffrie of these publically available allegations before incorporating the funds into their joint real estate project, "de Posterij," located in Harderwijk. The Netherlands has strict regulations against integrating questionable finances into businesses. Violators face severe legal consequences, including civil liabilities, asset seizures, and significant fines. With such a framework, the weight of responsibility on the shoulders of a CEO like Saffrie is undeniable. Public records indicate that Bjorn Mulder is also CEO of Covast Development.

Evidence at hand suggests that Koster had full knowledge of Sluimer's alleged financial misdeeds when he solicited the investment. Sluimer stands accused of large-scale property tax evasion and money laundering in the US, employing offshore entities to discreetly redistribute tax-free returns to himself and select Finnish investors, dubiously termed as a "clean formula." Sluimers well known partners from Finland are: Mikko Pertti Juhani Pakkanen, Antti Pakkanen, Janne Keskinen, Mirjami Keskinen, Antti Korpela Mika Junnila, Ilpo Raiskila, Kaj Valve and Jukka Tapaninen the CEO of Aiforia ( Ticker: HEL ) which is listed on the NASDAQ NORDIC stock exchange.

Hugo Sluimer
Hugo Sluimer

Koster's reactions to these allegations have been evasive and met with threats. When confronted, he distanced himself, denying any connection with Sluimer's funds regarding the "De Posterij". Koster also claimed to have nothing to do with the project at all. However, contrasting this claim are documents drawn up by Koster's advisors and a trail of emails that showcase Koster's active role in gathering finances for "de Posterij,". A whats app message from Rob Koster reads (translated) "By the way I never accepted a cent (From Hugo Sluimer) because I am not involved in any way in that Dutch Business ("de posterij")

But Emails show that Rob Koster and Jerry Saffrie were actively working together on raising funds for the "de posterij" and that he was involved.  Here is one example: 

The attachement to the email above also pitches "De Posterij" in Harderwijk as seen below which Koster claimed not to have any involvement with. 

Why Koster is offering conflicting stories about his involvement in "de Posterij" and accepting an investment from Sluimer is a mysterie that should be investigated. He was obviously working for the project with Jerry Saffrie in the Netherlands as the email confirms.

This brings the focus back to Jerry Saffrie. As the CEO, the legitimacy of his actions and the depth of his knowledge become paramount. Presently, there is no evidence to suggest that Saffrie was privy to Sluimer's allegations before the investment was made. If Koster indeed kept Saffrie in the dark, it raises pertinent questions about their internal communications, transparency, and trust within the company's leadership. On the flip side, if it emerges that Saffrie was informed but chose to forge ahead, it challenges the ethical framework underpinning Covast Development. 

CEO Jerry Saffrie was given several opportunities to respond and clarify the situation but unfortunately, he did not answer to the requests. In all cases of questionable transactions related to money laundering and tax evasion, a CEO in this case Saffrie is required to inform the Dutch authorities immediately. 

As more details come to light, the central issue remains: Was Saffrie adequately informed by Koster about the potential risks, and did he have full knowledge of the cloud of allegations surrounding the investment? What due diligence did Saffrie do if any?  Why is Rob Koster not truthful about his involvement in the project? Only time and further investigation will provide clarity. 

Hugo Sluimer and Rob Koster threaten to visit child at Football game

Hugo Sluimer and Covast Real Estate Founder Rob Koster Threaten Witness

Rob Koster Solicited Alleged Money Launderer Hugo Sluimer to invest in his Projects 

Hugo Sluimer refuses to release tax returns 


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